You can help us right where you are by sponsoring your own FOOD DRIVE or even a drive for other much-needed items.

A drive can happen anywhere and anytime! Ask the kids in your neighbor, gymnastics class, or your family to collect PASTA for ”Noodles in November.” Or get your co-workers involved by asking them to commit to bringing one case of water per month, per employee.

A drive that is easy is to ask your church family to hold a HOTEL SIZE HYGIENE drive (little shampoos, soaps, toothpaste, sunscreen, chapstick, deodorant, etc). The things you collect will bless people who really are in need!

Here are a few ideas for YOUR drive!


Bottled Water

Fresh produce and dairy items


Peanut butter

Top Ramen

Canned Veggies and Fruits


Pasta and sauce

Mac N Cheese

Canned meat (tuna/meat)



Toothpaste and toothbrush

Shaving cream

Small face cloth

Hotel size shampoo

Hotel size conditioner

Small hand sanitizer —

Travel size facial tissues

Tampons / sanitary pads


Set the Date

Three weeks is usually a good amount of time for your food drive. Don't forget to remind people as the end date gets closer. We all can do things last minute!


Hand out flyers, use email, posters, and anything that will help get the word out. Tag us on Instagram @riversidecitymission, we’ll share your post!

Set a Goal

How much food (or non-food items) would you like to collect? Consider how many people you might reach and how much you expect to collect from each one. (One food item from each person is a good rule of thumb.)

Be Creative

Give prizes for the most food collected, or hold an event where the cost of admission is food. Come up with your own creative ideas.

location site

Make sure your site is convenient and highly visible. You always want to make sure your donation drop-off site is ready for people to easily donate!


Thank your participants and announce your success as you meet your goals!

Planning a Drive? Let us know!